

The provider of this website is:

International Tracing Service (ITS)
Große Allee 5 – 9
34454 Bad Arolsen

Phone: +49 5691 629-0
Fax: +49 5691 629-501

Authorized Representative:
Floriane Azoulay, Director of ITS

Content Responsibility:
Alina Bothe, Project Lead #lastseen

The editorial team of the website can be reached via email:

The content design and web design were developed by lastseen and andwhy, Munich.
The technical implementation and programming of the website were carried out by andwhy, Munich.


Despite careful content control, we assume no liability for the content of external links. The content of the linked pages is the sole responsibility of their operators.

The images on the #LastSeen website mostly originate from various archives and collections. The ITS or the #LastSeen project has received permission for publication from the copyright holders. The image rights are specified for each image. For any third-party use, the image rights must be obtained from the owning institutions or individuals. Only the images offered for download in the press section of the #LastSeen website may be used. Please send us a copy of any publication using these images without being asked.

Co-operation network #LastSeen.
Pictures of Nazi deportations

Dr. Alina Bothe
Project lead

c/o Selma Stern Zentrum für Jüdische Studien Berlin-Brandenburg
Freie Universität Berlin
Habelschwerdter Allee 34A
14195 Berlin

©2024 #LastSeen. Pictures of Nazi deportations. All rights reserved.